I Would Like to Make a Horror Movie Sometime
"Say arrrgh! Monstrous upside-down head - coital changes in position." Trenchant text which gets under the skin. Harsh lights. Sing-song declamation with narrative intimations and onomatopoetic irritations. Glances through moving grids which create light and shadow, and take on concrete form, three-dimensional, pink. One, two, three - threads develop in a monstrous story which can only be shown in a literal sense and not related (she could never tell the story). An unidentifiable figure, sometimes human and sometimes animal, appears and takes off in song. Is this supposed to be a love story? Or a story of crime told by an undead woman in the green, green grass, a fresh and sassy corpse in the refrigerator? Open it, look in, shut the door? (like grasscoolhuh?) The narration is replaced by a physical presence, indistinctly abstract. Grass/ grid/ skin. Video material shot with an incompatible camera and actions which alienate through language and rhythm are used to create objectified images. Resistance through absurdity - PFFFT!
(Maria Bodingbauer)
Ich möchte gerne einmal einen Horrorfilm machen
13 min