Tony Conrad DreaMinimalist*
Sun Oct. 26, 2008 - Fri Oct. 31, 2008, 9:30 p.m.
Österreichisches Filmmuseum, Brut, Semperdepot, Fluc Wanne

With his first film The Flicker, Tony Conrad produced an authoritative work of structural film in 1966 and became a central figure of the US avantgarde. By focusing on the film material itself and the media-specific conditions of the cinematic apparatus, the viewer's attention is drawn to his or her own perceptual processes. The rhythmic puls…

Ivan Ladislav Galeta
Wed Oct. 1, 2008 - Thu Oct. 2, 2008, 9 p.m.
Österreichisches Filmmuseum

Ivan Ladislav Galeta from Zagreb is the neo-platonist among the directors of European experimental film. Behind the clear, mathematically abstract, frame-by-frame, meticulously rhythmically built structure of his films and video works, all of which are at the same time analyses of the medium film, Galeta conceals a veritable chamber of wonders: he…

Bruce McClure
Wed March 26, 2008 - Thu March 27, 2008, 7 p.m.
Österreichisches Filmmuseum

As practicing architect, Bruce McClure has lived and worked in New York, Brooklyn since 1985. He began publicly showing his Projector Performances in 1994, and has been a celebrated guest at festivals, cinematheques, and museums for several years. McClure "plays" his projectors as if they were instruments of light and sound. Up to four 16mm machin…

VALIE EXPORT: Film & Video
Fri May 18, 2007 - Thu May 31, 2007, 7 p.m.
Österreichisches Filmmuseum

After initially facing fierce hostility, VALIE EXPORT is considered one of the essential and internationally most influential artists in Austria, combining multimedia art practice and theory with a feminist concern. Her forms of expression range from drawing and conceptual photography to installations, sculptures and performances. The running imag…

Nathaniel Dorsky
Wed Sept. 27, 2006 - Wed Sept. 27, 2006, 9 p.m.
Österreichisches Filmmuseum

Nathaniel Dorsky, born in 1943, lives and works in San Francisco. In the USA he is considered one of the great avant-garde film artists.
As early as 1964, Dorsky presented his first films in the style of psychodrama, which opened the doors for his pay job as a cameraman and editor of commercial films. But he soon abandoned the narrative element in…

Józef Robakowski
Wed April 26, 2006 - Thu April 27, 2006, 9 p.m.
Österreichisches Filmmuseum

Józef Robakowski was born in Poznan in 1939. He studied art history at the Copernicus University in Torun and later attended the State Film School in Lodz ́. In the 1960s he began as a photographer and filmmaker (35mm and 16mm format) and belonged to the first generation of Polish artists to work with video. From 1974 onwards, he made his o…

Corinna Schnitt
Thu April 28, 2005, 19:00 h
Österreichisches Filmmuseum

Corinna Schnitt works on everyday life and the private in her films and videos. The staged micro-scenarios deal with regulated processes in the corset of family structures, petty-bourgeois ideals and life problems, "West German sense of order", punctuality and cleanliness.

Corinna Schnitt reduces monologues and images to the essential. Her storie…

Mike Hoolboom
Mon June 14, 2004, 18:00 h

Born in 1959 in Toronto, where he lives and works. He studied Media Arts at Sheridan College from 1980 to 1983. He worked at the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Center for three years before co-directing the venue Pleasure Dome, a series of experimental film and video programmed by artists. Since 1980, Mike Hoolboom has completed more than 2…

Guy Maddin
Sat April 12, 2003 - Sat April 26, 2003, 9:15 p.m.
Österreichisches Filmmuseum

Guy Maddin, named after B-movie star Guy Madison, was born in 1956 in Winnipeg, Canada. This remote and, in winter, forty below-zero degree extinct place, where he still lives and works, is often found in the settings of his films. He gives names like Gimli, Mandragora, Bad Tölz or Archangelsk to the mostly isolated and overdrawn places of Ma…

Laura Waddington
Thu May 16, 2002, 20:30 h
Österreichisches Filmmuseum

Laura Waddington's video works are a connection between her literary texts and her vague world of images, which, slowed down, partially or entirely colored, sometimes blurred and mostly coarse-grained, make the question of a supposedly objective depictability of a reality seem obsolete.

The filmmaker deliberately pushes the boundaries of the phot…