The monthly program series "Home Stories" started in November 1998 in cooperation with the Filmcasino in Vienna and was continued from March 2003 as "Home Stories +" in the Topkino. There were - quote from the program folder - "short feature films, documentaries and the avant-garde. Brand new and salvaged treasures from overgrown terrain were shown. The completion of a new, successful festival runner gave rise to a showcase of works and encounters with international productions were sought."
The opulence of reduction
Wed April 21, 2010, 19:00 h

To reduce means to reduce something to a correct measure. In the world of digital image production, this unit of measurement could be the individual pixel. The videos assembled here work precisely with this smallest component of the perceptible image and its effects on our perceptual apparatus. The images generated by machines are processed with t…

In Between
Wed March 24, 2010, 19:00 h

Two films - the same subject - two completely contrasting approaches.

1/2 Frogs Fuck Fast was created at a time when pornography was neither chic nor hip and, from today's perspective, can be described as post-punk porn. As a gesture of freedom, Scheirl designs and shows her own queer cosmos, in which identity-forming concepts are not only blurre…

Oceanul Mare
Wed Feb. 24, 2010, 19:00 h

"In the ocean, it's like this: big fish eat small fish. The business ocean means it's very hard and heavy. If you're not careful, you'll get eaten and drown in the ocean! If you succeed, you are a sail that sails across the ocean like a triumphant sailboat!"

At the center of Oceanul Mare are three Chinese immigrants in Bucharest in the early nine…

Essays as a political statement
Wed Jan. 13, 2010, 19:00 h

First and foremost, the two videos use documentary strategies that make the reality of structural, global violence tangible without images of the misery of the exploited and excluded. They use an essayistic method that questions the factual circumstances with poetically fictional narratives.

In Forst, a forest becomes a place of exile; refugees w…

It's a Wild World
Wed Dec. 16, 2009, 19:00 h

The history of cinematography is also a history of travel films. Even in the pre- and early forms of the moving image, images of exotic places were an extremely popular theme. However, the cinematic journey to the end of the world does not always have to be a panopticon of the foreign, but is ideally aware of the staging and construction of one's …

Screaming City: West-Berlin in the 1980s
Wed Nov. 18, 2009, 19:00 h

In the decade before the fall of the Wall, a large number of films were made in West Berlin that dealt with life in the enclosed city in a special way. The "showcase of the free West" subsidised by the Federal Republic had become an island for all those who wanted to experience themselves without economic pressure and express themselves by any mea…

Wed Oct. 14, 2009, 19:00 h

Is the uncanny inscribed in the images themselves or is it produced exclusively from the components that make up a film, i.e. visual elements, sounds and ultimately the narrative motifs?
Strange apparitions in the sky, a deliberate pan through an unsuspicious house, the scan of a shadowy object, fleeting, dream-like images from the stage between sl…

body trail
Wed Sept. 16, 2009, 19:00 h

Do human movements leave traces, or do they remain merely ephemeral gestures? In sliding whites, ice skaters make their elegant circles, while prelude shows strictly framed images of walkers. The body as experiment and material can be found again in CORNERS and body trail, in the latter the tension is built up through the transformation of the bod…

The lightness of being
Wed June 17, 2009, 19:00 h

Optical Vacuum captures places of inbetween-ness: empty offices, café terraces in the wind, deserted beach promenades, monotonous laundromat interiors.
Dariusz Kowalski has collected all these images on the Internet and assembled them into an impressive panorama of transit. Stephen Mathewson reads diary entries in which the abyss of the exis…

Mon May 18, 2009, 19:00 h

Mirrors of the soul, breathtaking facial landscapes, places of emotion and empathy. It was not only feature films that discovered the human face early and permanently and subsequently made it a preferred object of the camera. The face has also always been a popular motif in film and video art.

The approaches collected in Faces could hardly be mor…